; User CallTip: _ChooseColor([$i_ReturnType = 0[, $i_colorref = 0[, $i_refType=0]]]) Creates a Color dialog box that enables the user to select a color. (required: <Misc.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): $i_ReturnType = 0 then COLORREF rgbcolor is returned (default)
; $i_ReturnType = 1 then Hex BGR Color is returned
; $i_ReturnType = 2 Hex RGB Color is returned
; $i_colorref = 0 (default)
; $i_refType = 0 then $i_colorref is COLORREF rgbcolor value (default)
; $i_refType = 1 then $i_colorref is BGR hex value
; $i_refType = 2 then $i_colorref is RGB hex value
; Parameter(s): $s_FontName - Optional: Default font name
; $i_size - Optional: pointsize of font
; $i_colorref - Optional: COLORREF rgbColors
; Requirement: None.
; Return Value(s): Returns Array, $array[0] contains the number of elements
; if error occurs, @error is set
; User CallTip: _ChooseFont([$s_FontName = "Courier New"[, $i_size = 10[, $i_colorref = 0]]]) Creates a Font dialog box that enables the user to choose attributes for a logical font. (required: <Misc.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)